Gallery 1
A Conversation With Myself, Mixed Media, 47″ x 52″
Revelation 1, Mixed Media, 48″ x 47″
Shake Shack, Mixed Media, 52″ x 47″
After the Darkness, Mixed Media, 49″ x 42″
Darwin, CA #1, Mixed Media
Shipyard, Mixed Media, 52 x 47
Matter Matters,Mixed Media, 47 x 53, 4000.00
Second Time Around, Mixed Media, 45″ x 64″
Revelation 2, Mixed Media, 48″ x 47″
Tipping Point, Mixed Media, 45″ x 55″
Midnight Walk, Mixed Media, 48″x 48″
See Me, Mixed Media, 47″ x 51″
Walk the Line, Mixed Media, 44″ x 49″
Antiquity Mixed Media, 46″ x 48″
Grandmother’s Lessons, 43″ x 50 “